Trucks & Such

Please join Councilman Rick Jennings, II for Trucks & Such, Friday October 20 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at Garcia Bend Park. Don’t forget to stop by the PGCA Booth and say hello.

Trucks & Such

Please join Councilman Rick Jennings, II for Trucks & Such, Friday September 15 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at Garcia Bend Park. Don’t forget to stop by the PGCA Booth and say hi.

Sojourner Truth Park Clean Up Day

Please join Councilmember Rick Jennings, II and Trustee Taylor Kayatta as they host a community clean up and beautification event at Sojourner Truth Park on Saturday August 26 at 9 am. 

They will be joined by community partners Sacramento City Unified School District, YPCE – City of Sacramento, the Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association, House Verbal, Will Cannady, Pocket/Greenhaven Community Organizer, and Joe Flores, Sacramento Parks & Community Enrichment Commissioner District 7.

To volunteer for this event, sign up via this Eventbrite link:

For more information, contact Parks Commissioner Joe Flores at [email protected]

Sacramento “City Management Academy” coming soon!

“As a former graduate, I can not say enough about what I learned in Sacramento’s City Management Academy! I encourage any citizen who wants a better understanding of local government to apply.”
– Lisa Linares, PGCA Board Member


The City Management Academy (CMA) is a free, multi-week, instructional course that teaches participants about how the City of Sacramento functions.

CMA curriculum features guest lectures from elected officials and department staff focused on topics ranging from day-to-day operations to budget development and the public policy process. 


To be eligible, applicants must reside in the City of Sacramento or own a business in the City of Sacramento. Applicants must also be at least 16 years old. 


The application for the 2023 program will be posted soon. Please complete this form if you would like to be placed on an interest list and notified when the application opens.

Streets for People Active Transportation Plan

Introducing the ‘Streets for People Active Transportation Plan:’ What to know and how to get involved.

The Department of Public Work’s Transportation Planning team (,4a04504,4a11471) is launching a citywide planning effort called the Streets for People Active Transportation Plan (,4a04504,4a11472).

This effort will result in a new bicycle and pedestrian master plan beginning with an assessment of existing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

While the project will address active transportation needs citywide, engagement will be focused in three focus areas: South Sacramento, North Sacramento, and Fruitridge/ Broadway.

“We’re looking forward to hearing from people in areas of high need and historical disinvestment about their experiences and barriers to walking, biking and taking transit to important destinations,” said Senior Transportation Planner Leslie Mancebo.

Upcoming Community Workshops:

Aug. 2, 6-7:30 p.m.
Sacramento LGBT Community Center
Register (,4a04504,4a11473)

Aug. 3, 6-7:30 p.m.
Pannell Meadowview Community Center

Register (,4a04504,4a11474)

Aug. 9, 6-7:30 p.m.
Virtual workshop

Register (,4a04504,4a11475)

Aug. 10, 6-7:30 p.m.
Virtual workshop

Register (,4a04504,4a11476)