The PGCA Assists Vic Cima and Elks Lodge No. 6 to start our local Pocket-Greenhaven Farmers’ Market.

The PGCA was honored to help support Vic Cima and the Elks Lodge to help start our local Pocket-Greehaven Farmers’ Market.  The PGCA provided outreach to potential vendors and also created surveys to gain feedback as to what our neighbors wanted to purchase at the event.

The Farmers’ Market will be held EVERY SATURDAY at the Elks Lodge at 6446 Riverside Blvd. The markets will run each week from 8am-noon until November 19th. Please spread the word, and we hope to see you and your neighbors there!
For those who wish to set up a booth, there will be 41 13x’13’ spaces available, including space for a vehicle. For registration, visit or contact Vic (text or call) at 916-715-8657.

Pride of the Pocket 2020

Congratulations again to all of our Pride of the Pocket winners!
Please join us in thanking our sponsors, Supervisor Patrick Kennedy, Councilmember Rick Jennings, II, SMUD and SMUD Director Rosanna Herber! And also give a huge thanks to Pocket News for being such a great partner in spreading the word about this event every year!

Holiday Lights Yard of the Month 2019

Congratulations Kimberly Hobart on winning Yard of the Month: Holiday Lights 2019 for her display at 7296 Riverwind Way! You can still see it, but tonight’s the last night!

8 Freon Ct and 7080 Rivercove Way tied for second. Thanks to everyone who contributed to a beautiful, bright and festive atmosphere in our wonderful neighborhood! 

Pride of the Pocket 2019

Thanks to everyone who help us show the Pride of the Pocket in 2019! Together we celebrated some of the fantastic people and groups that make this such a wonderful place to live, work and play!

Check out all the pictures from GariRae Gray here and from Stephen Michael Crowley on behalf of Pocket News here.

2018 Voter Information Forum

With 11 statewide initiatives along with Measure U renewal on the ballot, voters in the Pocket-Greenhaven community will have a lot of decisions to make this fall.

Register Here

To help inform these decisions, The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Assocation is bringing together a group of experts to provide a non-partisan overview of the measures, including key background on who is supporting and opposing them, who is funding them and, most importantly, what they will really do.

Dr. Kim Nalder, Director of the Sacramento State Project for an Informed Electorate will lead an informational discussion on the initiatives, providing a non-partisan summary of each.

Councilman Rick Jennings & Trustee Darrel Woo will provide their insight.

Moderator: Devin Lavelle

When: Wed, October 10, 2018, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT
Where: Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library, 7335 Gloria Drive

Registration Strongly Requested

Next Local Business Roundtable

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association will be holding their second Local Business Roundtable on Thursday, June 28 from 6-8pm at the Robbie Waters Library. Topics for discussion include determining effective ways to market businesses to the local community and organized “shop local” campaigns within the neighborhood. Additional agenda topics can be emailed to [email protected].