Executive Airport Forum

What’s Happening at Executive Airport?
One runway is being permanently closed.
Will this impact flight patterns over our neighborhood?
What are the future plans for this airport?

For the answer to these questions, as well as many more, attend the community meeting scheduled by the Pocket Greenhaven Community Association with the Sacramento County Airport System Planning & Design Division.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 6 p.m.
Robbie Waters Library
Community Room
7335 Gloria Drive, Sacramento

National Night Out at Lewis Park/Didion

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association will be joining the National Night Out event hosted by Nextdoor – Pocket. If your immediate neighborhood is not hosting an event, we invite you to join us. There will be FREE Mustache Mike’s Italian Ice, Teen Band “Lucky Duck” from West Campus High School, Give-aways and visits by SacPD & elected officials.

When: Tuesday, 8/1 from 6pm – 8pm
Where: Lewis Park/Didion Gym

Thanks to our friend and neighbor Kathi Windheim for her hard work in leading the charge to put this together!

First Annual Pocket-Greenhaven Family BBQ

PGBBQFlierOur first annual Family BBQ was a huge success! Nearly 300 joined us for a fun day in the park with food, music, a bounce house, a taikwando demonstration, activities provided by the Greenhaven Soccer Club and the Friends of the Library and a visit from Otterby Reading! Friends and neighbors of all ages came out to enjoy the company of their neighbors a beautiful Saturday at Garcia Bend Park and we are grateful for everyone who joined us! Huge thanks go out to Vice Mayor Rick Jennings for his support with the logistics of this event, to Raley’s, Grocery Outlet and Sacramento Republic for their donations and to the Kennedy High ROTC cadets for all of their hard work!

And a huge, extra special thank you to Fernando Vallejo and our local firefighters for manning the grill and providing much of the food (250 hot dogs!) for the event.

Most of all, thanks to the Pocket Moms for leading the charge on putting this event together!

Enjoy a few pictures from our event, courtesy of local parent, Luke Pearson and check out the full album on Facebook:

Pocket/Greenhaven Moms Join with Community Association & VM Jennings to Host Family BBQ

Families in the Pocket looking for a fun opportunity to meet other families in our community are invited to a barbecue on June 10, from 10:30 am to 1 pm at Garcia Bend Park. Moms will be organizing activities for kids of all ages and our local firefighters will be barbecuing lunch. Otterby Reading will be on hand to take pictures and sign kids up for the Library’s summer reading challenge.

The event is free and all families in our community are invited to attend and participate.

The Pocket/Greenhaven Moms are organized through Facebook. Started in 2013 by Karen Lookingbill, the group connects moms in the community online and through a variety of activities like kids’ play dates. Fiona Lavelle and Erin Peth are co-managing for this event.

The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association was started in 2015 by Will Cannady to provide a forum for discussing issues in our neighborhood and bringing neighbors together to strengthen friendships and community. Devin Lavelle is leading the groups’ efforts for this event.

Vice Mayor Rick Jennings has provided invaluable logistical support to help make this event a reality.

Fantastic Turnout for the Fall Voter Forum

Thank you to Dr. Kim Nalder of the Project for an Informed Electorate, Trudy Schafer of the League of Women Voters, Supervisor Patrick Kennedy and Dennis Rogers on behalf of Vice Mayor Rick Jennings for a fantastic event and thank you to the 70 neighbors who came out and shared their evenings with us.

The PowerPoint from tonight’s event is available here:


Dr. Nalder’s Videos from the Project for an Informed Electorate’s event with the Legislative Analyst’s Office are available here:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8JP4nspRJs?list=PL_Bp2IKmRtDD0xid4h3XXXjCbVMEEae9k]

Fall 2016 Voter Information Forum

With 17 statewide initiatives and 3 local measures on the ballot, voters in the Pocket-Greenhaven community will have a lot of decisions to make this fall.

To help inform these decisions, The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Forum is bringing together a group of experts to provide a non-partisan overview of the measures, including key background on who is supporting and opposing them, who is funding them and, most importantly, what they will really do.

Dr. Kim Nalder of the Project for an Informed Electorate at Sacramento State will provide an overview of the ballot measures. Trudy Schafer will provide the League of Women Voters’ perspective on key measures. Supervisor Kennedy and Vice Mayor Jennings (invited) will provide their perspectives.

When: Thursday, October 6th, 6:30 PM

Where: Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library

RSVP Requested: http://pocket-forum2016.eventbrite.com