We were excited to share the results of our recent community survey at last week’s meeting. In case you missed it, the results are available here: ppt-survey-9-6-16
Fall 2016 Voter Information Forum
With 17 statewide initiatives and 3 local measures on the ballot, voters in the Pocket-Greenhaven community will have a lot of decisions to make this fall.
To help inform these decisions, The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Forum is bringing together a group of experts to provide a non-partisan overview of the measures, including key background on who is supporting and opposing them, who is funding them and, most importantly, what they will really do.
Dr. Kim Nalder of the Project for an Informed Electorate at Sacramento State will provide an overview of the ballot measures. Trudy Schafer will provide the League of Women Voters’ perspective on key measures. Supervisor Kennedy and Vice Mayor Jennings (invited) will provide their perspectives.
When: Thursday, October 6th, 6:30 PM
Where: Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library
RSVP Requested: http://pocket-forum2016.eventbrite.com