The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association has called on the RT Board of Directors to ensure staff revises the proposed changes to coverage in the Pocket-Greenhaven community, ensuring wider coverage throughout the neighborhood.
We understand the need to streamline lightly used routes and appreciate the effort to increase connection through a common hub for ongoing routes.
We are concerned, however, that the proposed location of that hub (at the intersection of Florin and Greenhaven, near Lake Crest Village) unnecessarily limits coverage throughout the community and creates a safety hazard at an already over burdened intersection. The existing partial-hub at Promenade Shopping Center ensures wider coverage, providing service at a much safer, more pedestrian friendly location.
We appreciate RT staff’s outreach, providing an information and feedback session at our January membership meeting and are optimistic staff will use the community feedback provided to produce a revised plan that more efficiently provides improved service for our community and the entire region.
We are grateful for the dozens of community members who provided feedback and for Supervisor Kennedy and Councilmember Jennings’ ongoing leadership on these important issues.