Urban Bicycle Safety 101

Pocket-Greenhaven is blessed with miles of bike paths, bike lanes, and a gorgeous levee trail. To ensure that residents stay safe on the trails, the Pocket-Greenhaven Neighborhood Association is sponsoring an “Urban Bicycling 101” class. The course will be presented by Drew Hart, a Transportation Analyst with the City of Sacramento, and will focus on bicycling regulations and riding tips to ensure your cycling experience is safe. Specific topics include:

  • Bicycling and the law
  • Bicycling on the street
  • Bicycling through intersections
  • Avoiding crashes
  • How to enjoy the ride

The course is geared towards adults and teens and is a great resource for parents who can relay the information to their children to ensure kids develop safe bicycling habits. (Bicycles are not necessary for the class.)

The class is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2017, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, and will be held at the Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library, 7335 Gloria Drive. Registration is required and space is limited.

At this time, the class is only open to Sacramento City residents.

For any questions, contact GariRae Gray, [email protected]. Thanks GariRae for putting together this great event!

Click here to register.

Executive Airport Forum

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s forum on the airport.

Pocket-Greenhaven residents should not notice significant changes as a result of runway 16’s closure. It was rarely used and its closure aims to improve safety at the airport.

Thanks to Jim Geary for organizing this Forum and to Glen Rickelton for a very informative presentation.

Download the full presentation here.

PGCA joins other neighborhoods in calling for City performance metrics

Eight neighborhoods around Sacramento joined together to call for the City to develop performance metrics to help demonstrate how well it is meeting community needs. This program will break down silos to assemble existing city data and make it publicly available, broken out by neighborhood. In doing so, it will increase transparency and provide our city’s excellent staff with additional tools to drive continuous improvement in City services.

Katie Valenzuela Garcia of the Oak Park Neighborhood Association started the charge and our own Board Member, Devin Lavelle presented at the last membership meeting. The membership unanimously voted to sign on to the letter, which has now been delivered to Mayor Darrell Steinberg, bearing our President, Will Cannady’s name.

Will was joined in signing the letter by:

  • Katie Valenzuela Garcia, Oak Park Neighborhood Association
  • Luree Stetson, Upper Land Park Neighbors
  • Sean Wright, Alkali and Mansion Flats Historic Neighborhood Association
  • Marni Leger, Southside Park Neighborhood Association
  • Angela Tillotson, Midtown Neighborhood Association
  • Sean Manwaring, Newton Booth Neighborhoods Association
  • Rose Cabral, Colonial Heights Neighborhood Association

Read the letter:


July 2017 Meeting Notes

Pocket Greenhaven Community Association

Minutes for July 11, 2017 General Membership Meeting

  1. Introductions (Approximately 20 people in attendance)
  2. Discussion of request from other Neighborhood Associations to sign onto the letter asking the City of Sacramento to provide performance metrics by neighborhood.
    • Casanya Ursery, Community Affairs Director at Vice Mayor Rick Jennings’ office, stated that the Vice Mayor’s Office is trying to help break down the silos in the City and that the City has a new office of accountability etc.
    • Devin Lavelle made the motion to authorize the board to sign onto the letter and Will Cannady seconded it. A majority of the individuals present voted for the motion and it was approved.
  3. Update on meeting regarding changes at the Executive Airport on August 22, 2017.
    • Jim Geary provided an overview of the history and issues re: closing the runway.
    • The group decided that the meeting should be from 6:00 – 7:30.
    • The official from the county will give a presentation on the history of the air traffic etc. for about 15-20 minutes and then will take questions.
    • The group agreed publicize the event via social media, email list, Pocket News and Inside Pocket and that the focus should be on information sharing re: the changes.
  4. National Night Out – August 2nd.
    • Will Cannady provided an overview of the Pocket National Night Out event coordinated by NextDoor and Sacramento Police Department. Will has already arranged for the PGCA to participate in that gathering, but opened it up to the group to discuss whether we should send liaisons to other gatherings in our area.
    • After a substantial discussion, it was decided that this year we should focus on participating at the event at Didion and revisit this issue next year to see if reaching out at other events would be beneficial.
    • It was also agreed that it might make sense to form an “Ambassador Committee,” so that members of the group can do outreach to other members of the community. People suggested that we make buttons so ambassadors can be easily identified and provide the ambassadors with short talking points to use when discussing the PGCA’s goals and mission. The group decided to revisit this at a future meeting.
  5. Possible Community Meeting Regarding Cluster Mailbox Break-Ins.
    • Through information provided by attendees, it sounds like the USPS is installing new cluster boxes throughout the community, but there still seems to be some contradictory information about the status etc. The group agreed to continue to monitor the issue and keep it on the agenda for the next meeting. But also agreed that a community meeting probably is not needed at this time.
    • Devin Lavelle stated that he would follow up with Congresswoman Matsui’s Office on timeline etc. and share with the group if he receives any updates.
  6. Meeting Regarding the Promenade Shopping Center
    • Will Cannady and Devin Lavelle shared that Vice-Mayor Jennings’ office is coordinating a meeting regarding the vacancy rate at the Promenade Shopping Center on Monday, July 17, 2017. Will asked PGCA members to attend if possible. Devin will work on publicizing the event through the PGCA social media forums.
  7. New Business
    • It was agreed that future agendas should have an item for “New Business.”
    • Bike Training
      • GariRae Gray suggested that we try to sponsor a cycling safety class. The City of Sacramento, coordinating with Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates, puts them on. She is going to determine whether it would be possible to have an event in our area in September or October and report back to the group
    • Crop Swap
      • Will Cannady shared that there will be a Crop Swap in front of the library on August 6th.
  8. Next General Membership Meeting – September 13, 2017
  9. Adjournment

Executive Airport Forum

What’s Happening at Executive Airport?
One runway is being permanently closed.
Will this impact flight patterns over our neighborhood?
What are the future plans for this airport?

For the answer to these questions, as well as many more, attend the community meeting scheduled by the Pocket Greenhaven Community Association with the Sacramento County Airport System Planning & Design Division.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 6 p.m.
Robbie Waters Library
Community Room
7335 Gloria Drive, Sacramento

National Night Out at Lewis Park/Didion

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association will be joining the National Night Out event hosted by Nextdoor – Pocket. If your immediate neighborhood is not hosting an event, we invite you to join us. There will be FREE Mustache Mike’s Italian Ice, Teen Band “Lucky Duck” from West Campus High School, Give-aways and visits by SacPD & elected officials.

When: Tuesday, 8/1 from 6pm – 8pm
Where: Lewis Park/Didion Gym

Thanks to our friend and neighbor Kathi Windheim for her hard work in leading the charge to put this together!

First Annual Pocket-Greenhaven Family BBQ

PGBBQFlierOur first annual Family BBQ was a huge success! Nearly 300 joined us for a fun day in the park with food, music, a bounce house, a taikwando demonstration, activities provided by the Greenhaven Soccer Club and the Friends of the Library and a visit from Otterby Reading! Friends and neighbors of all ages came out to enjoy the company of their neighbors a beautiful Saturday at Garcia Bend Park and we are grateful for everyone who joined us! Huge thanks go out to Vice Mayor Rick Jennings for his support with the logistics of this event, to Raley’s, Grocery Outlet and Sacramento Republic for their donations and to the Kennedy High ROTC cadets for all of their hard work!

And a huge, extra special thank you to Fernando Vallejo and our local firefighters for manning the grill and providing much of the food (250 hot dogs!) for the event.

Most of all, thanks to the Pocket Moms for leading the charge on putting this event together!

Enjoy a few pictures from our event, courtesy of local parent, Luke Pearson and check out the full album on Facebook:

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

Our group had a very productive meeting last Wednesday and it was great to have so many new members in attendance.  The first item that we covered was the upcoming Pocket/Greenhaven Family BBQ.  This event will be happening on June 10th from 10:30-1 at Garcia Bend Park.  Our group will be one of the event “partners” and so far up to 70 people have RSVP’d that they will be attending.  Both Fiona and Erin have done an amazing job organizing the event.  Be sure to mark the event and your calendar and I hope everyone can attend.

The next item on the agenda was Devin’s great idea to have a
“Pocket/Greenhaven Community Awards” ceremony. Devin suggested this event be modeled after Councilmember Ashby’s awards event in her district and that we should plan on having it sometime next Spring.

Regarding our continued goal of advocating for more retail and restaurants options in the Promenade Shopping Center, we discussed various plans to move ahead on the issue.  I shared that the information listed on the shopping center’s website was not up to date and the attempt to phone the owners did not work.  The next steps we planned to take were as follows:

-I will reach out to my optometrist who has an office in the shopping center.

-Tristan will reach out to Region Business, Sacramento Economic Council and our city’s finance director regarding supporting the shopping center.

-Mary will reach out to her contacts with PBIDs throughout the city to get advice on how we can better advocate for businesses in the Promenade.

Recently one of the major runways was shut down at Sacramento Executive Airport.  Jim shared with us how this was done as cost cutting measure by the county.  Unfortunately, shutting the runway down has led to more planes flying over our neighborhood.  Jim will continue the look into the issue and we’ll plan to host a community meeting sometime this summer to give our neighbors more of an opportunity to weigh in on these changes.

Our community association will soon have a monthly column in the Pocket News and we’ll also be hosting another series of crop swaps this summer.  We also decided to be involved in this year’s Pocket 4th of July Parade.  The idea was to have us walk as a group holding a banner and throwing candy.  Tristan has also offered the use of his old Lincoln Continental.  We’ll correspond more via email regarding the parade over the next few weeks.

The issue of cluster mailbox break-ins has not gone away.  Our group agreed that we could use a portion of our next meeting to host a community forum to address the issue.  Kathi Windheim has offered to contact SacPD to help answer questions at the forum as well.  We’ll start work on getting the word out about the meeting in the next week.

Finally we elected our first board.  The results are as follows:

Seat 1 – Pat

Seat 2 – Will

Seat 3 – Erin

Seat 4 – Tristian

Seat 5 – Devin

Seat 6 – Jim Geary

Seat 7 – Mary

The board will meet in the new few weeks to elect officers.  Thank you again to everyone who made it out last Wednesday.  I am very proud of the group we have put together.  It’s exciting to have so many opportunities to make the Pocket/Greenhaven neighborhood a better place.  Thank you for your continued help and support.

Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association Announcement

After serving the community for over a year The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Forum will be transitioning into the Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association.  The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Forum has served as a venue in which community members could come together to discuss and work on local issues.  Some of the group’s accomplishments over the last year consist of:

  • A highly successful survey of community interests regarding local restaurants & retails options as well as quality of life issues.
  • A series of community crop swaps where neighbors exchanged their extra produce.
  • A highly informative 2016 voter forum attended by one hundred community members

Looking forward, the Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association will be co-hosting a local family event with the “Pocket Moms” group on June 10th as well as starting a discussion with the owners of the Promenade Shopping Center regarding the community need for additional retail and restaurants.  The main goal of the association will be to continue to serve as a community forum in which neighbors can come together to share their thoughts and feelings on important local issues.

Please feel free to visit the following to keep up todate with the PGCA:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pocket.Community.Association

Website: https://pocketgreenhaven.org 

Twitter: @PocketCivics

Pocket/Greenhaven Moms Join with Community Association & VM Jennings to Host Family BBQ

Families in the Pocket looking for a fun opportunity to meet other families in our community are invited to a barbecue on June 10, from 10:30 am to 1 pm at Garcia Bend Park. Moms will be organizing activities for kids of all ages and our local firefighters will be barbecuing lunch. Otterby Reading will be on hand to take pictures and sign kids up for the Library’s summer reading challenge.

The event is free and all families in our community are invited to attend and participate.

The Pocket/Greenhaven Moms are organized through Facebook. Started in 2013 by Karen Lookingbill, the group connects moms in the community online and through a variety of activities like kids’ play dates. Fiona Lavelle and Erin Peth are co-managing for this event.

The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association was started in 2015 by Will Cannady to provide a forum for discussing issues in our neighborhood and bringing neighbors together to strengthen friendships and community. Devin Lavelle is leading the groups’ efforts for this event.

Vice Mayor Rick Jennings has provided invaluable logistical support to help make this event a reality.