July 2018 Minutes

Pocket Greenhaven Community Association
Minutes for July 10th, 2018 General Membership Meeting

  • Introductions (Approximately 24 people in attendance)
  • Friends of the Sacramento River Parkway Presentation by Jim Houpt

-Jim gave an overview on the purpose of the Friends of the Sacramento River Parkway group

-Jim explained the history of the Sacramento River Parkway and the need to continue to advocate for its completion.

-The PGCA Board will vote to take a position on supporting the Sacramento River Parkway at our next meeting.

  • Local Business Roundtable

-Quick update on how the last business roundtable went.

-Plans are being made for the next business roundtable meeting.

  • National Night Out, Tues. Aug. 7th

-We will be co-hosting a NNO event with Pocket Nextdoor on Tues. Aug.7th from 6-8 pm.

-We will also make an effort to reach out to other neighborhood groups to support their NNO events.

  • Pocket 4th of July Parade

-We reviewed our successful participation in the event.

  • Making Greenhaven Dr. safer for bike/ped crossers exiting Pocket Canal Path

-Presentation by Emily Piltch on how we could increase access from the Pocket Canal Path to local retail.

-Will follow up by working with Councilmember Jenning’s office and offering further support to Emily.

  • Pocket/Greenhaven Family Picnic

-Jim Geary and Erin Peth are still working with Councilmember Jennings office to set up the event.

  • Memorial for Cottonwood at Renfree Park

-GariRae will be looking into seeing what we could be doing to create a memorial for the Cottonwood tree at Renfree Park.

  • Crop Swap

-A neighborhood crop swap will be held on July 29th at 10 am in front of Robbie Waters Library

  • Budget update

-Have $1,028 in our account.

-Still working with FTB to finalize nonprofit status with the state.

Next general membership meeting, September 4th.

PGCA Supports Del Rio Trail

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association is proud to support the completion of the proposed Del Rio Trail.  Consistent with our core goals including the upkeep and expansion of parks and recreation spaces, the Del Rio Trail would be an exciting new option for local residents to help live an active and healthy lifestyle.  We look
forward to working with SLPNA and the City on the Del Rio Trail as an important part of expanding recreation and active transit infrastructure in our beautiful corner of the city.

Next Local Business Roundtable

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association will be holding their second Local Business Roundtable on Thursday, June 28 from 6-8pm at the Robbie Waters Library. Topics for discussion include determining effective ways to market businesses to the local community and organized “shop local” campaigns within the neighborhood. Additional agenda topics can be emailed to [email protected].

May 2018 Meeting Minutes

Pocket Greenhaven Community Association

Minutes for May 1, 2018 General Membership Meeting

  • Introductions (Approximately 13 people in attendance)
  • Presentation by Brendle Wells re: Resources Available at Robbie Waters Library.
    • Brendle gave an overview of all the resources available through the Sacramento Pubic Library, including the Library of Things, board games, video games, museum passes (Discover and Go – under the “services” part of the website), job coaching, providing opportunities for lifelong learning, etc.)
    • Brendle answered several questions from the members.
  • ACC Senior Services (Darrick Lam, Chief Executive Officer).
    • Darrick gave an overview of ACC programing. They are building a new Assisted Living and Memory Care Center called Maple Tree for 102 residents off the Pocket Road exit.
  • Next Local Business Roundtable (Mary McCune).
    • Thursday, June 28th from 6 – 8 p.m. at Robbie Waters. Focus will be on marketing efforts for this community and “shop local” campaigns. There will features in Pocket News and Inside Pocket and the committee will also do personalized outreach.
  • South Land Park Association asking for support re: Del Rio Trail (Will Cannady).
    • Jim Houpt gave an overview of the project, including from the perspective of the California State Railroad Museum Foundation.
    • The consensus of the individuals present was that the best approach was to send a letter supporting the project in concept, but not taking a position on any of the areas in dispute.
  • Review Pride of the Pocket Awards (Devin Lavelle).
    • Devin gave an overview of the Pride of the Pocket awards. Probably brought in revenue of about $500 -$600 and approximately 80 people attended.
  • Review Bike Rodeo (GariRae).
    • GariRae gave an overview of the Bike Rodeo Event. Sixty-six kids had registered before the event, but only 21 people attended. She thinks that 3 hours is too long and maybe a 2-hour event is better. She would recommend doing it ourselves in the future and not with Sac PD. They did fitting for helmets and trained on the rules of the road. Rick Jennings’ office helped quite a lot.
  • Pocket 4th of July Parade (Will Cannady).
    • Will is going to email the membership to form a committee to determine how to participate in and support the parade.
  • Family Picnic (Erin).
    • Potentially combing with an event with Rick Jennings on the Greenbelt on a Sunday in September. Jim is working with Jennings’ office and will coordinate with Erin. GariRae suggested that we combine it with a bike rodeo.
  • New Business
    • Will is soliciting questions for the May 12th candidate forum for the League of Women Voters.
  • Next General Membership Meeting – July 2018
  • Adjournment

Pride of the Pocket: Get Your Tickets Today!

Eventbrite - Pride of the PocketJoin many friends and neighbors in the Pocket-Greenhaven community for the first annual Pride of the Pocket awards ceremony and bake-off!

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association and our elected leaders will recognize some of the fantastic people and groups that make our neighborhood such a wonderful place to live, work and play!

Thursday April 26th, 2018
5:30 – 7:30 pm
School of Engineering & Sciences Gym, 7345 Gloria Dr.

March 2018 Minutes

Pocket Greenhaven Community Association

Minutes for March 8, 2018 General Membership Meeting

  1. Introductions (Approximately 17 people in attendance, plus representatives from Sacramento Fire Department and Sacramento Police Department)
  2. Presentation by Sacramento Fire Department.
    1. Fernando Vallejo gave an overview of what the Sacramento Fire Department does, including fire prevention, rescue operations, arson investigation, medical emergencies, boat rescue etc.
    2. What the public can do: check your smoke detectors & carbon monoxide detectors, sweep out chimneys, keep a list of medications and conditions for elderly relatives, have fire extinguishers, lock up flammable materials (especially if you have kids), have a family emergency and exit plan. They also need more stations in the area with the growing population and in the Delta Shores area. They would also like to have electric gurneys.
    3. If you have a good experience with the fire department, let your councilmember know and also say thank you to the first responders.
    4. Fernando answered several questions from the members.
  3. Presentation from Sac PD Officer Corey Johnson regarding a bike rodeo.
    1. Assigned to the Traffic Division (only has a Sargent and 5 officers – they used to have 30) and also runs the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant, including giving out helmets (1,300 available) to kids.
    2. Does bike rodeos to teach people to be safer riders – doing a bicycle rodeo on Saturday, April 28th. Will also have a few bicycle mechanics to assist people and teach them about bikes.
    3. Traffic Complaint Line – 916-808-3777 – give specific information
    4. May is National Bike Safety Month.
  4. Update on Local Business Forum (Mary McCune).
    1. Mary gave an overview of the first successful Local Business Forum. We are planning another event for later in the Spring.
  5. Pride of the Pocket Awards (Devin Lavelle).
    1. April 26th will be Pride of the Pocket Awards. Four elected officials have agreed to present awards. The nomination deadline has passed and Devin will be providing the nominations to the committee for review soon.
    2. There will be a bake-off at the event. We will be soliciting more charitable donations for additional food etc. We have someone who has volunteered to do photography and donate flowers.
    3. Need volunteers for the decorating committee.
  6. Nonprofit Status (Tristan Brown).
    1. Tristan provided an update on the nonprofit status. We are currently waiting for our formal letter from the Internal Revenue Service.
  7. Membership (Erin Peth).
    1. Erin notified the group that as of that time, we have 13 formal members. She also informed people how to become a member and asked the group to spread the word to other interested people.
  8. Family Picnic (Erin Peth).
    1. Erin notified the group that we are still interested in doing an event like this and that we are in the initial planning stages.
  9. New Business
    1. An announcement was made about a book sale for the Robbie Waters Friends of the Library which starts on April 14, 2018.
    2. Members also expressed interest in doing additional clean-up efforts.
  10. Next General Membership Meeting – May 1, 2018
  11. Adjournment

Pride of the Pocket

[wpedon id=”552″ align=”right”]Join many friends and neighbors in the Pocket-Greenhaven community for the first annual Pride of the Pocket awards ceremony and bake-off!

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association and our elected leaders will recognize some of the fantastic people and groups that make our neighborhood such a wonderful place to live, work and play!

Thursday April 26th, 2018
5:30 – 7:30 pm
School of Engineering & Sciences Gym, 7345 Gloria Dr.
Tickets, includes snacks and beverages:
Individual – $15 ($10 for PGCA members)
Family – $30 ($25 for PGCA members)

Nominations Deadline: March 5th
Bake-off Entry Deadline: April 12th

Local Business Roundtable

The Pocket Greenhaven Community Association has invited the storefront businesses across our neighborhood to participate in a Local Business Roundtable on February 27th at 6 pm at the Robbie Waters Library.

One thing that sets our community association apart from most other associations in Sacramento is our inclusivity of membership: any resident or business owner in the Pocket-Greenhaven area.  Our inclusivity of membership is intentional, as one of our goals is to ensure all voices are at the table to protect, educate, and better our community. We hope by encouraging our local business owners to attend our meetings we can help better promote a “shop local” community campaign while also helping to address business concerns such as seasonal promotions, events, or chronic landlord/tenant issues. It is our goal that by organizing an informal local business roundtable we can help galvanize stronger support for our neighborhood businesses and help business owners navigate challenges when needed.

Residents and all local business owners welcome.

Please submit questions or agenda topics to [email protected].

January 2018 Meeting Minutes

Pocket Greenhaven Community Association

Minutes for January 9, 2018 General Membership Meeting

  1. Introductions (Approximately 18 people in attendance)
  2. Presentation by Kimberly Bankston-Lee from the SOL (Saving Our Legacy African Americans for Smoke-Free Safe Places) Project
  3. Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association Spring Awards (Pride of the Pocket)
    1. Devin Lavelle provided an update on the status of the event. It will be in late April at the School of Engineering and Sciences. Ideas in progress for the event so far are awards from PGCA and elected officials, a cooking competition and having non-profits available to present about their organizations. The ticket prices will be determined (but the working plan is to charge $10/individual and $25/family, with a discount for PGCA members). PGCA will also be soliciting sponsorships and donations for the event.
  1. Sacramento Voters Choice Coalition
    1. Devin Lavelle gave an overview of the Voters Choice Act. PGCA held a forum in October and agreed to include information in our social media and put in our newsletter etc. to support the Sacramento Voters Choice Coalition. Devin also let everyone know that they individually could do outreach about this change to voting in our area.
  1. Local Business Forum
    1. Mary McCune provided an overview of the Local Business Forum, which will be held on February 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Robbie Waters Library Community Room. Mary is coordinating volunteers to go to local businesses to handout invitations and do personal outreach to them.
  1. Nonprofit Status
    1. Will Cannady (on behalf of Tristan Brown), provided an update on the current status, which is almost completed. Will and Tristan also opened a bank account for PGCA. The Board members have agreed to provide the initial funding for the cost of formally becoming a 501(c)(3) organization.
  1. Membership Form and Dues
    1. Erin Peth presented the Board’s recommendation that we formalize memberships for the PGCA and charge annual dues of $10/individual/year. There was some discussion about whether there should be an option for a household membership, but in the end the group agreed to keep it simple at the beginning and agreed to the Board’s recommendation of $10 individual memberships. Erin will work in the coming months on the membership application and the logistics of collecting dues etc.
  2. Pocket/Greenhaven Bike Rodeo
    1. GariRae Gray provided an update on her efforts to put together a Bike Rodeo in our area. She is trying to coordinate with the Sacramento Police Department, as the Department has received a school safety transportation grant. They might be interested in doing a bike rodeo in the parking lot of the library. The Councilman Jennings’ Office offered to assist with setting something like this up and helping to coordinate with SPD.
  3. New Business
    1. The Rivercats contacted Will Cannady about doing a night at the ball park. Will is going to get more information to bring back to the group. One of the attendees suggested partnering with Pocket Little League to promote any event.
    2. Will Cannady notified everyone that the South Land Park Neighborhood Association wants to do a clean-up at the intersection of 35th Avenue and Riverside Blvd. Will Cannady will continue to update the group on the event date etc.
    3. GeriRae Gray would like to do more outreach to the community. She is interested in doing something on traffic safety. The group had a thorough discussion about additional positive outreach efforts that would assist the community. One idea that was raised was to do some activities around parent involvement and students etc. Erin Peth discussed the Board’s idea of doing educational presentations at the membership meetings and encouraged new attendees to review the PGCA’s mission and vision statement to learn more about the organization’s purpose. Will Cannady emphasized that all ideas will be considered and that PGCA welcomes all to participate.
  4. Next General Membership Meeting – March 2018
  5. Adjournment