Voter’s Choice Act Forum

Thank you to Raul Macias, James Schwab and Alice Jarboe for putting on an informative event on the Voter’s Choice Act.

If you are interested seeing the maps they are looking at in deciding vote center locations, check out the county’s website here:


If you would like to give feedback to the county, email them at: [email protected]

Proposed Bylaw Updates – Nov 2017

At the October 2017 Board Meeting, the Board recommended for adoption the following bylaw additions, which will be voted on at the November 7, 2017 General Meeting:

Conflict of Interest: Whenever an officer of the Association has a direct financial or personal interest in any contract coming before the Board, the affected person shall: a) fully disclose the nature of the interest; and, b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying and voting on the matter. Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested officers determine that it is in the best interest of the Association to do so. The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rationale for approval.

Dissolution: In the event of the dissolution of this association, any and all remaining assets shall be used exclusively for an exempt purpose as defined under section 501(c)3 of the internal revenue code.

Candidates: The Association shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. The Association also shall not endorse any candidate for public office.

Voter’s Choice Act Forum

Please join the Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association and the ACLU of California for a discussion on the Voter’s Choice Act and how implementation will affect Sacramento County and the Pocket-Greenhaven Community.

RSVP here:

Sacramento County is one of just four counties that has opted to implement a new model of elections in 2018. This new model brings major changes to how elections will be held as well as exciting opportunities. Specifically:

  • All voters will receive vote-by-mail ballots.
  • The county will make remote accessible vote-by-mail available to voters upon request.
  • Most of the county’s 550 polling places will close and be replaced with approximately 78 multi-function vote centers.
  • Voters can vote at any vote center, not just the one nearest to them.
  • Voters can register to vote at a vote center after the registration deadline, and including on Election Day.
  • Some vote centers will open beginning 10 days before Election Day, and the rest will open 3 days before the election.
  • The county will establish drop off sites that will open beginning 28 days before the election.

Sacramento is starting to make important decisions that will affect your community, including where to place vote centers and drop off sites, and how to conduct voter education and outreach. For this new model to work, the elections office nears to get input from communities. At our meeting we will give an overview, including some of the sites being considered as possible vote centers and drop off sites.

Please join us!

Date: October 24th
Time: 6 pm to 8 pm
Where: Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library, Community Room

7335 Gloria Drive
Sacramento, CA 95831

Please let us know if you need any accommodations. Light refreshments will be served.

Bike Safety 101 Class makes the Pocket a little safer

Thank you to Drew Hart with the City of Sacramento for providing a very informative class! Our community has fantastic biking infrastructure, but ensuring we use it safely, whether sharing the parkway with pedestrians or the road with cars, safety is paramount. If you missed the class, register to take the class another time.


We had a great turnout! Thanks to everyone who came!


Thanks especially to GariRae Gray for organizing the class!


Be sure to check out the City’s new protected bikeway effort and join Pocket resident (and Mayor) Darrell Steinberg on Wednesday, Oct 4 at 2 p.m. for a demonstration on how to use a protected bike lane.


Voter's Choice Act Presentation

PCGA co-sponsored a forum on the Voter’s Choice Act on September 19, 2017. The forum included presentations from the Secretary of State’s Office, the County, ACLU, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Common Cause and Disability Rights California.

The presentation is available for download here: VCA Sacramento Presentation


If you have questions or want to learn more there will be another webinar on October 3, at noon. To attend, sign up here:

And there are a number of important ways to participate or give your input:

Sign up for a local hub.

Attend the Language Accessibility Advisory Committee and/or Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings.

And provide feedback to the County:

New! Election Administration Plan

Voter's Choice Act Forum

Sacramento is currently in the process of planning for the implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act. The Voter’s Choice Act will make it easier for everyone in our County to vote, but will involve substantial changes to the system we are used to. For this new system to succeed we need to ensure all of Sacramento’s diverse communities are engaged. The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association is co-sponsoring a forum, hosted by the ACLU of Northern California to learn about these changes, and ways for you and our community to give input.
When: September 19, 2017, 12 pm – 1:30 pm
Where: 1130 K St, Ste 300, Sacramento, CA 95814

September 2017 Meeting Minutes

We started our meeting by Devin sharing information with us regarding a Pocket/Greenhaven Awards event that would take place next Spring.  Our discussion revolved around where the event should be held, how much we should charge and what should we serve.  In the interim we decided to form a committee to help set up the event.  The committee consists of :

  • Devin Lavelle
  • Bill Cannady
  • Judy Foote
  • GariRae Gray
  • Jim Houpt
  • Mary McCune
  • Shawna McKnight
  • Pat Ramirez

In the next few weeks the committee will work on setting up a meeting and we will get an update at our next general meeting.

Our Vice-President Mary McCune wanted to work on our group doing more to support local businesses.  Mary proposed drafting a letter of introduction to invite local businesses to our next meeting.  Mary also had a great idea urging our neighbors to shop local especially in light of Delta Shores going in.  A committee was formed to help support the effort.  The committee consists of:

  • Mary McCune
  • Bill Cannady
  • Judy Foote
  • GariRae Gray
  • Devin Lavelle
  • Shawna McKnight

In the next few weeks the committee will work on setting up a meeting and we will get an update at our next general meeting.

GariRae next spoke to us about the upcoming bike safety event that will be held at Robbie Waters Library on Saturday, September 30th starting at 10 am.  The event will be led by one of the city’s transportation analysts and there is still room to sign up and Jim Geary gave us a quick recap of the well attended meeting regarding the runway closure at the Executive Airport.

Tristan Brown got us up to speed with what our group needs to do to become a nonprofit organization.  Tristan went into detail with what it means to be a “501 c3” nonprofit and we decided to form a committee to continue to look into the matter.  The committee consists of :

  • Tristan Brown
  • Will Cannady
  • Jim Geary
  • Pat Ramirez

In the next few weeks the committee will work on setting up a meeting and we will get an update at our next general meeting.

Our discussion next turned to the ongoing issue of cluster mailbox break-ins throughout our neighborhood.  Devin filled us in on his efforts to try to find out just exactly how many break-ins there have been.  We concluded with agreeing that Devin and I will write a column regarding the issue in the the Pocket News.

There are some big changes coming to the ways that local voters will be going to the polls.  Devin filled us in on the Voter’s Choice Act and we agreed to host an event to help inform of our neighbors of the very important changes.

Kimberly Bankston-Lee shared with us the important work being done by the local nonprofits Saving Our Legacy Project and African Americans for Smoke-Free Safe Places.  We will be writing a letter in support of Kimberly’s group and hope to work with her more in the future.

We finished our meeting with Judy Foote telling us about an ongoing issue in our community consisting of homes being made into care facilities.  Judy explained that having these facilities in our neighborhood leads to less available housing for families.  This led to a large conversation about what our group can continue to do to attract more young families to our neighborhood.

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out.  It’s great to see our group organizing so many important events for our community.  Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 7th at Robbie Waters Library.  See you then!

Public Safety Town Hall

Vice Mayor Jennings hosted a town hall on Wednesday, along with City Manager Howard Chan, Assistant City Manager for Public Safety Arturo Sanchez, our new Chief of Police Daniel Hahn and SacPD Captain Dave Peletta. Thank you to the Vice Mayor and his staff for hosting the event and providing the slides to allow us to share them further.


The Pocket Greenhaven Community continues to be the safest in the City, by far!

Additional Police Observation Devices will be installed shortly, covering every ingress & egress point for our neighborhood, helping to further improve safety.


An engaged community is the most important tool for maintaining public safety. Having the largest number of Nextdoor subscribers for any neighborhood in the city is a great sign!


Download the full presentation.

Take a look at the City’s Homelessness Resource factsheet.

Urban Bicycle Safety 101

Pocket-Greenhaven is blessed with miles of bike paths, bike lanes, and a gorgeous levee trail. To ensure that residents stay safe on the trails, the Pocket-Greenhaven Neighborhood Association is sponsoring an “Urban Bicycling 101” class. The course will be presented by Drew Hart, a Transportation Analyst with the City of Sacramento, and will focus on bicycling regulations and riding tips to ensure your cycling experience is safe. Specific topics include:

  • Bicycling and the law
  • Bicycling on the street
  • Bicycling through intersections
  • Avoiding crashes
  • How to enjoy the ride

The course is geared towards adults and teens and is a great resource for parents who can relay the information to their children to ensure kids develop safe bicycling habits. (Bicycles are not necessary for the class.)

The class is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2017, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, and will be held at the Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library, 7335 Gloria Drive. Registration is required and space is limited.

At this time, the class is only open to Sacramento City residents.

For any questions, contact GariRae Gray, [email protected]. Thanks GariRae for putting together this great event!

Click here to register.

Executive Airport Forum

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s forum on the airport.

Pocket-Greenhaven residents should not notice significant changes as a result of runway 16’s closure. It was rarely used and its closure aims to improve safety at the airport.

Thanks to Jim Geary for organizing this Forum and to Glen Rickelton for a very informative presentation.

Download the full presentation here.