The Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association Continues to Support our Neighborhood by Hosting Many Meetings Regarding Local Issues and Assisting Local Charities and Groups.

Over the last year the PGCA has hosted many meetings regarding important local issues.  Here is a list of the groups who made presentations and offered our neighbors a chance to share their feedback.

  • The Pocket Transportation Plan and the proposed changes to our neighborhood.
  • Lt. Bui with the Sacramento Police Department regarding crime stats for our neighborhood.
  • Paolo Nardi with the Sacramento Fire Department regarding their services in our neighborhood.
  • Residents Against Illegal Fireworks and how neighbors can help support their efforts.
  • Sacramento Utilities regarding upcoming changes to rates and green waste.
  • SMUD regarding their 0 Carbon Plan and changes to rates.
  • Frontstreet Animal Shelter re: their facility and how neighbors could get involved.
  • Important meeting on how redistricting works and the impact it would have on our neighborhood.
  • Pocket Area Churches Together and the amazing work they are doing to support our community.
  • Community Meeting held with Congressmember Matsui’s Office to deal with the ongoing issue of cluster mailbox break-ins.

Over the last year the PGCA has assisted the following charities and groups:

  • 2021 Pocket-Greenhaven Holiday Toy Drive that led to 1000’s of toys being donated to disadvantaged youth.
  • Supported 2021 National Night Out hosted by Pocket Nextdoor.
  • Pocket-Greenhaven Crop Swap
  • Planted trees at Sojourner Truth Park to support Pocket Girls Softball.
  • Worked with Vic Cima and the Elks Lodge to help launch our local Pocket-Greenhaven Farmers Market.
  • Pocket-Greenhaven Citrus Donation Drive to support families in need.
  • Established the Pocket-Greenhaven Community Association Scholarship.

The PGCA remains committed to keeping our neighbors informed and supporting important charities and groups that are working on improving our neighborhood.

PGCA Community Meeting Leads to Progress in the Fight Against Cluster Mailbox Break-ins.

After listening to neighbors concerns regarding cluster mailbox break-ins, the PGCA put together a community meeting that was held in conjunction with Gabriela Herrera from Congressmember Matsui’s Office.  As a result of the meeting the cluster mailboxes that were recently broken into with an illegal master key will have their locks replaced. Here is a list of streets that had cluster mailboxes broken into with an illegal master key and have now had their locks replaced:

  • 7700 West Shore Dr
  • 699 Coriander Way
  • 7605 Pocket Rd
  • 26 Axios Court
  • 7465 Pocket rd.
  • 7005 Warbler Way
  • 7605 Pocket Rd.
  • 7800 River Village Drive
  • 20 Pebble River Circle
  • 267 Brewster Avenue
  • 60 Portinao Circle
  • 300 Portinao Circle
  • 231 Portinao Circle

The PGCA also put together a community meeting in 2018 to make sure neighbors would have their old style cluster mailboxes replaced with them more secure F-series after a break-in.

A video of the recent meeting can be found here:

Thank you again to everyone who came out to the community meeting. Your feedback was responsible for helping to get these locks changed.


The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association is hosting a citrus donation drive to help families in need.  Please join us on Sunday, February 20th at 11:00 am in front of Robbie Waters Library to drop off any extra citrus you may have.






Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association Meeting Wed. 2/23/22 6PM.


The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association will be hosting our next general membership meeting on Wednesday, February 23rd from 6:00-8:00 PM.  We’ll be starting with a presentation from Pocket Area Churches Together.  We’ll also have a presentation from Lee Miller with the group Residents Against Illegal Fireworks.

The meeting will be held via Zoom.  Please register for the meeting with the following link:

Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association Meeting Nov. 18th 6 PM.




The Pocket/Greenhaven Community Association will be hosting our next general membership meeting on Thursday, November 18th from 6-8 PM.  We’ll be starting with a presentation from the City of Sacramento Recycling and Solid Waste Division on  food waste recycling and leaf season.  SMUD will be presenting on their “Zero Carbon” plan and we’ll have a special presentation from the Front Street Animal Shelter regarding their services they provide our community.  The meeting will be held via Zoom.  Please register for the meeting with the following link:

Think Local | Shop Local | Dine Local

We’ve been proud to partner with Councilmember Rick Jennings, II to encourage neighbors to “Think Local” when deciding where to shop and dine. Will and Devin just finished hanging and distributing signs today! (With the help of Will’s son Liam) After distributing the last few signs at local #PocketGreenhaven businesses, naturally they took the time to support a couple of them with #PocketPride!

#ShopLocal #DineLocal #ThinkLocal #SacramentoProud #GiveAForkSac #Eat91Six

Featured Business: 9Rounds

The PGCA’s featured business is 9Round Fitness, join us as we get to know its new co-owner Adrienne Chargin.
Devin: Thanks for taking the time, Adrienne. Congratulations! Can you tell us what 9Rounds is?
Adrienne: Thank you so much, we’re excited to get everyone moving! 9Round is a world-wide organization that specializes in a 30 minute full body workout, which focuses on the skills of kickboxing. All skill levels can easily participate in the program, as it is adaptable to meet the needs of all members. In the 30 minutes that our members are working out, we are meeting all of their individual needs. We are able to do so by listening to what our members have to share with us about their health history, as well as their current fitness level. These are things that we take very seriously. We always look to create a dynamic workout that will push our members to their absolute best, while also taking into account any injuries or limitations that they may have. There is a place for all fitness and skill levels in 9Round.
Devin: Sounds fun! Functional exercise has always been my favorite. Tell me a little about yourselves.